Nice Carnival

Traditionally, Mardi Gras and Carnival celebrations include lots of feasting, partying and parading. It's been that way in Christian countries around the world since the Middle Ages. And once again it's time for fun and frivolity on the French Riviera with the Carnival of Nice (France) from February 12th 2006, to February 28th 2010. Two weeks of processions and parades with spectacular floats and corsi (processions of floral floats),with spectacular and elegant flower parades on the Promenade des Anglais,with various events and festivities: rock, techno and dance concerts, entertainment and fireworks, and much more.
This top winter event on the French Riviera attracts over 1 200 000 spectators. The theme for 2010 is King of Blue Planet.


The universe of the fantastic in the Carnival 7 janvier 2010 Écrit par Super User
Glances on the Parade 7 janvier 2010 Écrit par Super User
Grotesque chronology 7 janvier 2010 Écrit par Super User
The Events committee 7 janvier 2010 Écrit par Super User
The Sardinian restoration: on the parade 7 janvier 2010 Écrit par Super User
The Italian-styled festival in the Century of the Lights 7 janvier 2010 Écrit par Super User
A holiday of balls and masquerades 7 janvier 2010 Écrit par Super User
Nice : the city of French Carnival 7 janvier 2010 Écrit par Super User

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