The Witches appear repeatedly on the parade, but in 1884, they practise openly the Sabbath, together with their cat, naturally! And quite as Satan, it is around the gigantic pot that they celebrate their demonic feast.
A feast which could be placed under Ste-Agathe's " patronage ", boss of jerrycans celebrated on February 5, but which would be also called by the witches, because she protects, with the fire, the lightning and the name of which, would correspond in Provence, in that of the cat, " lou Gato ", (according to Claude Gaignebet).
Stove-building conceived by Mossa in 1895 is also tempted by the " Kitchen of the devil " and find the other familiar symbols:
" The devils are dressed in cooks with the traditional fur hat and Perched everything in the top of big fireplaces, they entice black cats with the lung in shape of hart, hung on at the end of a fishing rod. "
Here the transformation of the symbol of the bat and that of the cat converges the same image.
That of Lilith, the Vamp (or vampire), devilish seducer.
Because afterward all the representations of the float of Ratapignata, will evoke the bat in woman with a head. Of cat!…
Except maybe, in 1993, with the Ben's Ratapignata, which associates it more to Mickey-Mouse,. But in fact, " Ratapignata ", means in the language of Nice " the mouse, provided with wings "!


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