The official song of carnival is created in 1905, by the Events committee, to welcome Carnival from its arrival. It was at first chosen in a competition limited to the lyric writers then the composers entered competition and should exaggerate their variation on his prized work . In 1905 it is the song in the language of Nice, " E viva Carneval ", that obtained the prize.
But a rivalry undertook among Nice authors and French authors
A journalist Fernand de Rocher, protested deeply against the allocation of the prize to " " E viva Carneval " in little laudatory terms for the language of Nice " it is allowed to our foreign or French hosts to ignore the beauties of the language of oc. Provençal or nissard, while so many aborigines grazed it and distort it so pitifully. Few winter holiday-makers speak or understand French. It is so to deprive of the holiday a supplement importing that to want to reduce it to a simple local demonstration. "
It is necessary to believe that his comments were settled because he won the prize of the song in 1908
The most famous lyric writer was the bard of Nice Menica Rondelly, the author of Nissa La Bella; among the most famous songs appear:
Es Carnival!!! (1909),
Noise! Noise! (1910)
Pin Pan! (1914)
Gnic! Gnac! (1921)
Velou! Velou (1922), the biggest success, celebrates the old Bridge, destroyed that year; it is one of the most joyful airs of the carnival of Nice
Fai Anà! (1923)
Among the other authors, the lyric writers or the composers, let us quote A Fenouille, D Mari, Theo Martin, Roger Lucchesi or Toni Rainaud.
The song of Carnival was a real link among the Inhabitants of Nice. The street singers contributed to create a real festive atmosphere from Christmas, they interpreted the song in all the districts, and everybody knew it by heart, on corsi.


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