Preparation : 20 minutes.
Cooking time : 5 minutes.

Ingredients for 2 people :

4 eggs.
100 grams of black olives.
Mushrooms : a packet of dried cepes or fresh saffron. Milkcaps in season.
100 grams of thick cut ham.

Soak the mushrooms in some warm water,if available, cut the milkcaps into thin slices. Remove the stones from the olives nad mix them into the beaten eggs. Leave to rest for a quarter of an hour. During this time cut the ham into strips, blanch it, dry it and fry it gently in the olive oil. Now put the strained mushrooms into the frying pan with the ham and pour onto it the egg and olive mixture. The omelette should be runny and is rolled onto a plate and eaten with a fresh salad.


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