The Carnival represents an universe populated with mediatory mythical and symbolic persons between the world of the Darkness and that of the Sky.
These persons, beings or psychopompe animals, have for mission to pull wandering ' souls ", from Darkness, to the Light.
In the carnivals of former time, a psychodrama deceived, where the "creatures" of the devil, the hell, preceded those of the heavenly world either evolved in their sides.
Being Herlechinus, Harlequin, Hellequin, devil in the popular mythology, become the Man Savage, pulled wandering " souls ", in the sound of a tumult, whose echoes ring still with holidays of rural and heathen origin, the Carnival develops in the medieval cities and parodies the procession of entrance of the Princes of the Renaissance.
Parades of floats appear to know a new shape at the end of the XIX ème century at instigation of ltaly and especially of Nice, which from 1873 presented the most important grotesque parade of the world in the presence of a public of prestigious winter holiday-makers.
Did this public " of aesthetes ", suspect in participating so in Carnaval which he assisted a parade for which, " carnavaliers " drew their source of inspiration from the deepest and old traditions of this Holiday?
Those that one found anchored well at the same moment in the traditional and European culture in the villages of the high country of Nice and that knew well the biggest artists print-manufactors " the Carnival Alexis Mossa, and his son Gustave Adolphe.
In this implementation of the grotesque corsi from 1873, we attend a representation of several subjects mythical or drawn from the popular prints and carnavaliers by interposed floats the one express a collective unconscious, and reproduce the popular mythology of the Carnival - notably that concerned the " world of the inversion " and of the fantastic imagination ", - and allows the coexistence of an apollinien and Dionysian universe.