(Les raviolis à la niçoise) - Li raiola à la nissarda

1 hour
Cooking time : 4 to 5 minutes

Ingredients for 4 people :

500 grams of ravioli pasta
300 grams of leftover daube (beef stew)
300 grams of green leaves of swiss chard
2 eggs, garlic, onion
50 grams of grated cheese

Chop finely and brown a large onion and a clove of garlic in some olive oil. Mix this with the daube and the chard leaves which have been previously blanched and chopped finely. Now mix this with the
2 beaten eggs, the grated cheese and then check the taste. You can also include some grated nutmeg
or some cinnamon.
Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Roll them in flour on the work top as thinly as possible. Using a small spoon, place the filling in small equal piles every 3 cms. Cover this with the other half of the pastry after having lightly moistened the gaps between the piles with a wet brush. Press with the fingers or with a ruler the intervals beween each pile so as to get the upper and lower parts of the dough to stick together. Cut your raviolis and lightly flour them. Cover them with a tea-towel while
waiting to cook them. When ready, cook them by poaching in a large pot of boiling salted water to which has been added a glass of oil. Strain them and serve immediately with the juice from the daube and a pinch of parmesan. It would be better still if you are able to add to your sauce a good amount of dried cepes.